Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gratitude Abounds: Day 1

So this has been one killer year. Probably one of my best ever, if I do say so myself. I think the hubs would back me up on this one, too. We have made new friends, traveled to new places and experienced new things, we have become healthier than ever, we are constantly striving to make changes that make our lives better...happier...more fulfilling.

Because of all this, I feel it is time to start counting my blessings. Quite literally, in fact.

I give you Day One of what I am calling the 30-Day Gratitude Tour de Force.

P.S. To do this successfully will require me actually posting something on this somewhat musty blog each day for 30 days, so, you know, win-win.

1. I am immensely grateful for the job offer from a certain Ms. Holly Armstrong six, almost seven, years ago that brought the hubs and I down to Olympia to live. After hearing about the position opening as an aside, I have never worked so hard for a job in my life, even asking friends who knew Holly to call her after my interview to put in a good word for me. The hubs and I ran through practice interviews at the Starbucks near our house in Phinney Ridge, I drove through a torrential downpour to get to the interview, had to park half a mile away and paddle my way upstream to get to the Legislative Building in time to somewhat dry myself off with paper towels in the women's restroom before sloshing into the Governor's Office to wait, nervously fidgeting on those uncomfortable and forbidding-looking brown leather couches.

Luckily Holly is much less forbidding than those couches and I soon had a chance to work for her for two all too short years. Life-changing in so many ways, the events that led up to me getting that call from Holly ended up being what set my life on the path it is on now.

(I am also grateful for wireless internet. Seriously.)

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